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AI-Based Telemedicine Platform Seeks to Improve Heart Patients’ Quality of Care

An artificial intelligence (AI)-powered telemedicine platform launched in Germany is looking to improve the quality of medical care provided to coronary artery disease patients. The condition results in nearly two million heart attacks and 610,000 deaths annually but can be addressed with early treatment coupled with rehabilitation to help patients make positive lifestyle changes. Launched … Continue reading “AI-Based Telemedicine Platform Seeks to Improve Heart Patients’ Quality of Care”


AINewsBreaks — The Register Interviews D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS), Highlights Quantum Computing’s Potential Impact on AI

The Register, a British technology news website with millions of unique visitors per month, recently published an article about OpenAI’s recent interest in quantum. To gain insight, The Register interviewed Murray Thom, D-Wave’s VP of Quantum Technology Evangelism, and Trevor Lanting, D-Wave’s Chief Development Officer. Lanting explained, “As you’re training [an AI] model, the number … Continue reading “AINewsBreaks — The Register Interviews D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS), Highlights Quantum Computing’s Potential Impact on AI”

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